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Philosophy in the Martial Arts

Nowadays it seems the philosophical aspect of martial arts is being lost.  With the mass appeal mixed martial arts has today, martial arts has devolved into nothing more than kicking and punching.
It is important to remember that the greatest martial artist that ever lived, Bruce Lee, was a philosophy major.  All throughout his movies and in his art, philosophical aspects abound.
Your Martial Art is not only how hard you can kick or how hard you can punch.  You must be able to cultivate your mind.  Your Martial Art is resides in your mind and in your heart.  
At New York Martial Arts Academy we believe in applying the principles of Jeet Kune Do to our daily lives.  Our instructors strive to instill these teachings and these beliefs into every one of our students.  If we are not able to acheive this we have failed as instructors.
For this reason above all we are holding Philosophy classes in our Brooklyn location Saturdays 3:00-4:00 P.M.  We encourage anybody and everybody to attend them. 

Women's Self Defense

In discussing martial arts programs tailored or directed towards women different names are generally used.  The most common one is cardio kickboxing.  Programs of this nature are offered at almost every gym.  What these classes...

Our New Blog

Welcome to NY Martial Arts Academy's new blog. Be sure to stay tuned for more postings!  
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